Mommy and Me
Monday, December 20, 2010

I work in an organization where employees are of different nationalities. It's fun and interesting because it's not the usual workplace. Although English is the language used at work, the different accents of people make it very interesting if sometimes challenging.
A consultant from New Zealand once asked me, "Are you hippy today?" I replied that I was not a hippy. Then he said that he would like to take a picture with me because it was his last day. Ohhhh....I realized then he was asking if I was HAPPY that day.
Then there's the boss from mainland China who was asking me to change some data in an excel spreadsheet. He kept saying, "vanish it, vanish it." Huh? It took a while for me to figure it out. He wanted me to use the VALUE SHEET.
It's been especially challenging to take minutes of meetings. Hard enough that sometimes attendees have already discussed issues by email before the meeting and seem to continue the email discussion at the meeting, but to deal with the different accents (Indian, French, Australian, Italian, Singaporean, etc.) really drives me nuts.
It all just makes each day interesting.
I had my unruly, wavy hair "relaxed" last week which took almost 3 hours. I got to read a lot of old magazines in the salon and wanted to share what I read in Women's Health about how to determine whether your body build is small, medium or large frame.
Last year, when I signed up with, I weighed 144 lbs. This weight kept on seesawing back and forth as much as every two days - going down to 140 lbs then 137 lbs then up to 142 lbs all in one week. I guess it's water retention. It was frustrating.
Last March when i started running during lunchtime, my weight stabilized at 140 lbs. Then in April, I decided to reduce the amount of rice I ate. I'm not a big rice eater so it was not a problem for me. I eat rice mostly because it's easy to cook, rice and main dish of meat or fish, daily Filipino fare.
Imagine my surprise when I weighed today to find I now weigh 136 lbs. I've lost 8 pounds since March. Here is my weight tracker at Belletoday.