My First Completed Crochet Project
Monday, September 22, 2008
I used to do some crocheting years ago but I've never completed any of my projects. I would get bored with it and move on the something else. Lately my interest in crocheting has been renewed. I searched online for a simple pattern that would be useful to me and easily finished to keep my interest going.
I finished this wrist bag in one week. Useful to put my wallet and mobile phone in during lunchtime forays to the mall.

There are so many nice patterns online and am downloading everything that I find doable looking for my next project.
uy galing! congrats on your finished project (^_^)
hey....nice work girl. I was into crocheting once when I was a kid, but I never kept up with it. this...however, is worth giving it another try.
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