Every year during my annual physical exam I'm reminded to have this little bump at the back my head removed. It's been there for years. It was even x-rayed to see if it's something to be concerned about. Apparently it's nothing serious. Still this year I decided to finally have it removed. It's a minor, outpatient procedure. It was done by a doctor in our office clinic who's also a surgeon. He said he's authorized to use the operating room in Megaclinic in SM Megamall so that is where he'll do it.
We met at Megaclinic after work and I got dressed in a hospital gown and changed my shoes to a sterile one from their shoe rack. But they told me to put my shoes on the same shoe rack so those shoes aren't really sterile anymore. I lay on my stomach on the operating table but had nowhere to put my arms where it would be comfortable. So the attendants attached a makeshift arm rest to the operating table. I was amused by the whole thing because it's like a comedy sitcom. The procedure too about 15 minutes including the closing of the incision.

Then Dr. D said the tape to hold the gauze in place won't stick to my hair. We needed to improvise. He said I needed a headband such as those worn by athletes to keep sweat from trickling down their face. Since I didn't have one with me, I got changed and went to SM department store to buy the headband. Couldn't find one so I got a headband for the hair with ribbon. P and Via met me after and we had dinner. I looked ridiculous walking around the mall wearing that headband with ribbon around my forehead. I even met an officemate who thought I did it on purpose. Some new style I was trying out.
I wasn't supposed to get it wet for about a week but the next day we played badminton and I just had to wash my hair and I washed it everyday after that. Luckily it didn't get infected. I blow dryed my hair each time making sure it was thoroughly dry and applied betadine plus I took antibiotics.
I healed quickly and the bald patch is not noticeable once hair is brushed over it.