Wonderful Indonesia
Sunday, October 28, 2012
From time to time, my office features a country to get to know it better. There is a program to open the "exhibit" and after, a buffet of food native to that country. I've never attended any of the previous programs but this time, I was very interested because it's P's country.
I was surprised how interesting it was. There was a fashion show, talk from people who lived and worked there, and performers from their tourism ministry. We enjoyed the performance especially the one with audience participation, playing songs with the Angklung. Everyone who attended had a souvenir, an anklung. It's a musical instrument made of bamboo. It makes a sound when you tap or shake it depending on the tune.

The fashion show was a hit. The native costumes were very festive and colorful. I took a picture but it wasn't clear because of the lights on the stage. Too bad. The clothes were amazing.
Of course we enjoyed the buffet after.
My friend Becky with her Batik bag and me with the souvenir with the angklung inside.
This assorted dish is so delicious. See the dilis on the left side? That's Ikan Bilis. P always brought back Ikan Bilis with him when he went to visit Indonesia. I love it!
This is a mixed vegetable dish. It looks boring but it's really full of flavor.
Chicken Satay.
Some of the clothes on display.
It's just a preview of Indonesia's rich culture. I'm looking forward to seeing the more historic places in the country.
Fun Facts:
Java is one of the earliest places the ape-man lived. The skull of the ape-ma who lived at a time when most of Europe was under ice was discovered here.
Almost everyone in Bali has their teeth filed down. They believe that the essence of the six vices, jealousy, anger, confusion, drukenness, desire and greed, enters the body through the top six teeth. By filing the top six eeth, they are filing away their "demonic" ends. The entry of the vices are thwarted and entry to heaven is guaranteed.
Top places to see:
Bogor, Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Borodubur Temple, Tagunan Zoo in Jakarta, Istiqlal Mosque, Bali and Medan.
Happy foodtripping and traveling weekend everyone!