Most everyone I know look forward to Fridays especially if they've had a tough week at work. My friends and I were especially looking forward to a get together after some of them came back from a trip to Hong Kong. We have a great system for traveling with friends. Everyone who's going on the trip put money in a "pot" which will be spending money of the group for the entire trip. Someone is assigned treasurer and does the budgeting. It works out great. Anyway, they had money left over and decided to treat the whole group to pizza to unwind after work.
We all met at our office cafeteria after work and ordered pizza from The Green Tomato.
Four Cheese with Cheddar, Mozzarella, Feta and Parmesan with Pesto. This is my favorite! So yummy and cheesy :)

Margherita with fresh tomato slices and pesto. A little trivia, Margherita is what I wanted to name the Twerp but Daddy had other ideas. He was appalled! He said, how could I name our baby after pizza. Her name should mean something. So he named the Twerp and she ended up with very, very long name full of meaning :D

Pepperoni Feast with pepperoni, onions and bell peppers. Good, pepperoni is always good.

I brought along the Asti Martini my boss gave me last Christmas. It's been in my office drawer for so long.

We had a great time, talking about their recent trip and planning next year's trip. Voting is still open for Singapore, Taiwan or Hong Kong again. I voted Singapore because I want to bring the Twerp to Universal Studios. Crossing my fingers!

The Green Tomato, 6th Level Shangrila Plaza Mall, Mandaluyong, Metro Manila